Bihar Bord 10th English Objective Questions 2023

Bihar Bord 10th English Objective Questions 2023

1. polythene Bag When left to itself…… to environment.

A. Pollutes
B. decorates
C. beautifies
D. enriches


2. Tony Morrison was the first ………. to receive the Nobel prize.

A. white woman
B. European women
C. Asian women
D. black women


3. pope, in the poem ‘ order on solitude ‘ , says that village people get everything except –

A. milk from herds
B. bread from fields
C. attire from flocks
D. money from trees


4. according to the poem ‘God made the country ‘, our life could be sweet if we possess –

A. a lot of money and wealth
B. good health and virtue
C. good house and car
D. none of these


5. in’ Me and the Ecology Bit’ , the post office was ……….. from Mr Johnson’s house.

A. one block away
B. three blocks away
C. two blocks away
D. four blocks away


6. quality is a story about a

A. sweet maker
B. shoe maker
C. bread maker
D. cake maker


7. the story ‘ Little Girls wiser than Men has been written by-

A. Leo Tolstoy
B. Tony Morrison
C. Humayun Kabir
D. Joan Lexau


Bihar Bord 10th English
Bihar Bord 10th English


Bihar Bord 10th English

8. Prem Shankar is mentioned in –

A. January night
B. the bet
C. allergy
D. quality


9. both the girls in the story ‘ Little Girls wiser than Men had-

A. red handkerchiefs
B. blue handkerchiefs
C. yellow handkerchiefs
D. white handkerchiefs


10. katherine Mansfield is basically a –

A. novelist
B. story writer
C. dramatist
D. poet


11. in the story written by Mahadevi Verma ,Gillu was injured by –

A. crows
B. squirrels
C. parrots
D. mongooses


12. Mahadevi Verma is the author of-

A. gillu
B. the pace of living
C. what is wrong with Indian films
D. once upon a time


13. the duration of love affair in the story ‘ Love Defiled ‘was –

A. 6 years
B. 8 years
C. 7 years
D. 9 years


14. In the ‘ Pace for Living ‘,R. C. Hutchinson discusses –

A. the happiness of men
B. the agony of modern man
C. the dalaima of people
D. none of these


Bihar Bord 10th English
Bihar Bord 10th English


Bihar Bord 10th English

15. as per the ‘ Acceptance Speech ‘, the beauty of genuine brotherhood and peace is more precious than –

A. diamonds
B. gold
C. silver
D. all of the above


16. what is one of the most remarkable features of Indian culture , according to Humayun Kabir –

A.Underlying Unity
B.Lots of festivals
C.Diversity of people many religions


17. the koel is hidden in-

C.Fields many religions


18. ‘ Maratha’, had clear and …….. eyes.
C. white
D. red


19. the ‘ Unity of Indian culture’ , was a lecture delivered by Humayun Kabir in-

A. Bengaluru University
B. Baroda University
C. Delhi University
D. Bombay University


20. the Sleepin Potter was wearing a …….. cap.

A. black
B. blue
C. brown
D. white 



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इससे भी पढ़ें:-बिहार विद्यालय परीक्षा समिति class10 th हिंदी वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न उत्तर

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